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Summer School 2024

2023-2024 Course Offerings

Language Arts
English 9
English 10
English 11
English 12

Algebra 1A
Algebra 1B
Algebra I
Algebra II 

Physical Science

Social Studies
American History 
World History 


Additional courses may be added if there is an interest in a particular course.

How to Enroll

  • Your Guidance Counselor must authorize your registration by signature on the enrollment form.  (Registrations will be accepted through the first day of Summer School.)

  • Fill out the enrollment application with your name, address, phone number, etc.

  • List course(s) to be taken.  (Note: a maximum of two (2) credits may be earned.)

  • Three-week courses are offered for credit recovery.

High School Credit

Since each credit course is set by the minimum standards of the State Department of Education, students who are absent in excess of 10% will not receive credit for the class (10% includes hours lost for attendance and/or discipline).

Attendance Policy

According to state law, 90% attendance is required in order for credit to be granted.  Therefore, the maximum absences prescribed below will be rigidly enforced, including tardies, early departures, and discipline hours lost.

A 3-week class can miss no more than two days (or 8 hours)
If a student must leave class before 11:00, a note with parental permission must be brought to the Principal’s Office prior to dismissal.


Bus transportation will be provided.  

Dress Code  

Students attending summer school will be expected to follow the school dress code.  

Cell Phone Policy

Students are allowed to use their cell phones in the cafeteria prior to class and during their 15-minute break.  Devices must be placed on silent and not visible during instructional time.  If a student is instructed to turn off or turn in their device, they must do so immediately.  Students not following the expectations for the use of personal devices will face an hour deduction and the loss of privilege to use personal devices in the school. 


Minor discipline offenses may result in detention being served after scheduled summer school hours. Students caught committing major offenses (including vaping) will be removed from the program with no credit earned.   

All traditional school rules will apply during summer school.