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The Lakeside High School Counseling program emphasizes academic success for all students. The purpose of the Lakeside High School school counseling program is to impart specific skills and learning opportunities in a proactive manner ensuring that our students can achieve school success. The program focuses on 3 different domains: Academic, Personal/Social, & Career. Aspects of this program are delivered to the students through individual student counseling, guidance lessons in the classrooms, large and small issue-specific groups, and supporting teachers as they differentiate their instruction for a student’s learning style.
Academic development includes acquiring the attitudes, knowledge and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the life span. Strategies to achieve success such as organization, time management, study habits, critical thinking skills, and goal setting are essential. Through various activities, students will be prepared to choose from a wide range of substantial post-secondary options with an emphasis on college. Understanding the relationship of academics to the world of work is also a focus.
Emotional or personal/social issues can impact a student’s ability to learn. Again, we look at helping the student acquire 1) the tools which enable them to understand and respect themselves and others; 2) effective interpersonal skills; 3) survival/safety skills; and 4) the attitudes and skills to develop into contributing members of our society.
Our program includes a focus on careers and the relationship between school and work. This includes an awareness of career options as well as the pathways to, the educational requirements of, and realities within, certain occupations. Various skills are required in today’s workplace and are taught through our guidance activities: collaboration, problem-solving, and organizational skills.
What Makes the Lakeside High School Counseling Program Unique:
  • The counselors can talk to students about their personal problems and relationships.
  • The counselors can assist the family in getting treatment from outside agencies/counselors.
  • The counselors serve as liaisons with the counseling and treatment community.
  • The counselors can make referrals for educational testing to assess the student’s learning style, strengths and challenges. 
  • The counselors provide consultation, counseling and referral for families going through divorce, grief and loss or other stressful experiences.
  • The counselors provide assistance in conflict resolution to students.
"Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education."   
Q.  What is a school counselor?
A.  Professional School Counselors are student/family advocates who often were teachers first. Thus, they have classroom instructional experience and understand the dynamics of the school setting. School Counselor certification requires a master’s degree and rigorous training in a variety of areas. Specifically, school counselors study in-depth: legal & ethical issues in education, child development, counseling theories & methods, career development, societal & environmental factors affecting learners, and collaboration with outside professionals & resources.

Q.  What does a school counselor do?
A.  A school counselor 1) provides guidance to students through individual/group counseling and classroom guidance lessons; 2) consults with parents, school personnel, & community members to promote student success; 3) coordinates resources for students & families, which may include outside referrals; 4) advocates for a respectful learning environment which values diversity; and 5) is committed to staying current on best practices in education & adhering to professional standards of competence and practice.

Q.  Do school counselors have professional standards or guidelines to follow? 
A.  Yes. A professional school counselor provides a school counseling program based on the American School Counselor’s Association (ASCA) which is comprehensive in scope, preventative in design, and developmental in nature. More information on ASCA’s National Model can be found at School counseling programs include academic, career, & personal/social domains.

Q.  I’m not sure I’m okay with my son/daughter visiting with the counselor without my knowing. How will I know if he is visiting with the counselor?
A.  Generally, if a student comes to visit the counselor regarding a conflict, we might meet once or twice to discuss problem solving strategies for approaching this conflict and the parent most likely would not be notified. If a student is in danger of being harmed or harming himself or others, the counselor is legally obligated to share this information with the appropriate persons (parents/guardians, principal/headmaster, or state agency).

Q.  What if I disagree with what the school counselor says to my child or her suggested recommendations?
A.  That is okay! The school counselors provide options and guidance that are based on prior experience and knowledge. We all approach life differently and therefore the school counselors may have opinions that differ from your family’s philosophy. Keeping with the idea of respect for diversity, the school counselors will work with the family within their preferred religious or spiritual principles.

Q.  How and when can I speak with the school counselor?
A.  The school counselors are available to all members of the community and are a good resource for information regarding developmental milestones/phases, community resources, and support when the going gets tough. While we do not mind drop-ins, we are often in the classroom or in-session with students. It is best if you call ahead to set up an appointment.